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Archive for the ‘Crocheting’ Category

Crocheted Monkey


This is a monkey I made for a friend. She decided to name him Kako. I found the pattern and asked my friend if she would like one. She agreed and quickly chose some colors for him. She then thought he would look great with a scarf and so she crocheted one herself.

I enjoy crocheting in general and it is a fun hobby. I do, however, find even more joy in giving something I made as a gift. Giving makes this hobby, and any hobby, more enjoyable. Do you have a hobby that makes great gifts?


Crocheting abbreviations

I apologize for taking so long to post about crocheting agian. It has been really busy.  With school, personal projects I’m working on, and this being poetry month I have been busy.  Everyday for some reason I have had work and everyday I am writing a poem for poetry month.

So I thought that abbreviations would be a good place to start.  I would like to get a list of sites that help with other basics but abbreviatations can be difficult.  So here is a list and definations of crocheting abbreviatations.  Please ask if there are any I did not mention that you would like to know.  Or if I need to clarify.

Ch –   chain
Sc-     single crochet
Dc –    double crochet
Tr-      triple crochet
Hdc-   half double crochet
Sl-       slip stitch
Yo-      yarn over
Inc-     increase.  Usually will say by how many or have set number somewhere at begining or end of pattern.
Dec-    decrease. Numbers same as inc
Beg-    begining
Sc2tog- single crochet 2 stitches together.
Dc2tog- double crochet 2 stitches together
Tr2tog- triple crochet 2 stitches together
St-  stitch

That is probably the more basics of abbreviatations. Any others should be defined in the pattern.  I will try to post more on how to do these stitches later.


Crocheting – Okay

So I did get one response for posting information about crocheting.  Thank you! 😉   Now I know there are all types of people out there at different levels.  My blog is about both starting and advancing hobbies.  As such, I would like to bring information for both.

So in hopes to help all, I will post about the basics and the advanced tips.  I will have links to other sites that will probably explain better than I can.  I would like to post some patterns that are both fun to do and exciting to have finished.

I will explain how to read patterns, too.  I know that was something I had a really hard time understanding.  It took me a couples years to figure it out.  It made me mad to have bought a book that had abbreviations, yet no explanations for them.

I hope this is fun and enjoyable for you guys.  Please be patient with my post.  I will try to post at least once a week about crocheting until I have nothing left to say!

